

April 14-18 & 21-25


April 28-May 2

May 5-8

May 22-23


Venue opens 10:40 am

Seminar starts: 11:00 am (sharp)

Seminar ends approximately: 4:30 pm

Venue closes 4:45 pm


Punctuality is very important. If you miss any part of the lectures you might not be eligible to receive your certification. 


More details on the seminars...


We will be having two different locations, for the 3 seminars.  If you want more detailed information, please send an email to 

For Intuitive Anatomy we will be  hosting you at The Times Square Edition, a 5-star hotel 

Address: 701 7th Ave, New York, NY 10036, U.S.

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For The Intuitive Child in Me Instructor and You and the Earth Instructor  we will be hosting you at ARCH Events, located at 41 Madison Ave. 

Address: 41 Madison Ave LL, New York, NY 10010, U.S.

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There are two separate fees:  

  • The Registration Fee is collected by the event coordinators, LiveTheta. 
  • The Seminar Fee is collected by THInK. 

 More details...

Intuitive Anatomy Instructor


Seminar costs: $5,680.00 USD

plus Registration Fee: $900.00 USD

Intuitive Child in Me Instructor


Seminar costs: $ 1,800.00 USD

plus Registration Fee $710.00 USD

You and the Earth Instructor


Seminar cost: $990.00 USD

plus Registration Fee $350.00 USD


Intuitive Anatomy Instructor

Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, Intuitive Anatomy, You and The Creator (Growing Your Relationships), Basic DNA Instructors, Advanced DNA Instructors, Dig Deeper Instructors


Intuitive Child in Me Instructor

Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and The Creator (Growing Your Relationships), Basic DNA Instructors


You and the Earth Instructor


Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and The Creator (Growing Your Relationships), You and The Earth (Growing Your Relationships 4), Basic DNA Instructors, Advanced DNA Instructors, Dig Deeper Instructors


These are the required seminars you must complete to become a Certified Master:


Practitioner Seminars: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator, Manifesting & Abundance, Intuitive Anatomy, World Relations, Disease & Disorder


Instructor Seminars: Basic DNA Instructors, Advanced DNA Instructors, Dig Deeper Instructors, You and the Creator Instructors, Manifesting & Abundance Instructors, Intuitive Anatomy Instructors, Rainbow Children Instructors

For more...