
On your path to becoming a Certified Master, you'll dive deep into the ThetaHealing technique and experience personal growth and transformation you never dreamed possible. The training explores healing from deep within the body's systems to healing your relationship with the outer world. Embrace the unconditional love of ThetaHealing and become the master of your reality.

"You are recognized as one of the graduating classes from the ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge® (THInK) and acknowledged as a ThetaHealing Master. You have accepted the challenge to soar above the world and overcome the barriers to success. You are recognized as a leader for your efforts. Truly, you are an inspiration.”


-Vianna Stibal, ThetaHealing founder.

Which seminars do I need to complete?

These are the required seminars you must complete to become a Certified Master:


Practitioner Seminars: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator, Manifesting & Abundance, Intuitive Anatomy, World Relations, Disease & Disorder


Instructor Seminars: Basic DNA Instructors, Advanced DNA Instructors, Dig Deeper Instructors, You and the Creator Instructors, Manifesting & Abundance Instructors, Intuitive Anatomy Instructors, Rainbow Children Instructors

How long do I have to complete these requirements?

To qualify for the ThetaHealing Master. you must keep your  instructor license current. Instructors are required to recertify every 4 years. As long as your certifications do not lapse you can take your time in training as a ThetaHealing Master. 


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